Advisory Boards

Parish Pastoral Council

The St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish Pastoral Council is an advisory body for our parish. Its purpose is to provide our pastoiral leaders with solid advice.

Pastoral leaders rely on the council's advice and direction in making critical decisions for the future of our parish. 


Parish Pastoral Council Members

Fr. Brian Carpenter (Administrator)

Rusti Chlebowski (At-Large)

Judy Cravalho (Lectors' Rep)

Matt Florian (At-Large)

Jim Gadacz (Ushers' Club Rep)

Kathy Henderson (Altar and Rosary Society Rep)

Kathy Kowalski (At-Large) 

Sandy Walker (Legion of Mary)

Parish Finance Council

As required by Canon Law, each parish must establish a Parish Finance Council to advise the pastor on financial concerns of the parish. The Finance Council reviews the financial statements of the parish and helps in the preparation of the yearly budget. 

Finance Council Members

Fr. Brian Carpenter (Administrator)

Kimberly Thibodeau

Darin Meyer

Alan Tobolski 

Carol Marshall

Joann Stainko(Non-Voting) 

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