Safe Environment
Saint Stanislaus Kostka is commited to creating a safe environemnt for all or our parishinoers, especially the most vulnerable among us.
It is the policy of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend that all diocesan priests, deacons, and other personnel, lay and religious, paid and volunteer, must adhere to the Code of Conduct when Interacting with a Minor. All must report any suspected incident of the physical, mental, or sexual abuse or neglect of a child or young person to appropriate civil and diocesan authorities consistent with the Policy on Reporting Incidents of Child Abuse or Neglect. All priests, deacons, and other personnel, employee, and volunteer, are subject to and obligated by this policy
If you or someone you know is the victim of sexual misconduct or abuse by a member of the clergy or anyone ministering on behalf of the Church, we are here to help and listen. As part of our ongoing care for victims of sexual misconduct and abuse, we offer pastoral support and counseling.
We pledge to listen, support, investigate, and follow our policies and procedures outlined by the bishop. Please contact civil authorities and the diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator.
For any incidents involving minors, please contact:
Jodi Marlin
Victim Assistance Coordinator
Phone: (260) 399-1447
Rev. Mark Gurtner, Vicar General of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend
PO Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801
(260) 399-1419
All Volunteers
If you would like to serve as a catechist, parent chaperone, or volunteer for Religious Education, or any other designated programs in the parish working with children or vulnerable adults, you must complete the safe environment training program before you begin your responsibilities.
All volunteers who will have regular contact with children and young people as part of their volunteer duties will undergo criminal background evaluations before they begin their responsibilities.
Please contact Joann Stainko in the parish office before completing any forms or signing up for training. Please also review the Policy on Electronic Communication with Minors prior to the completion of your training. Thank you for your commitment to the protection of our children and young people!
Adult Volunteers
Adult volunteers (age 18 and over) must begin their safe environment training by completing the INITIAL Priest, Employee, or Volunteer Training Module at the Catholic Mutual Group website, CMG Connect. The parish Safe Environment Coordinator, Joann Stainko, will provide new applicants with information as to how to access the site and begin training.
Youth Volunteers
Youth volunteers (under age 18) must complete the commitment and authorization form accompanying the Code of Conduct for Youth Working with Younger Children. Parents of the young person must sign this form. This two-page form replaces all previous training requirements for youth volunteers. Youth should not attempt to create an account with CMG Connect.