The primary purpose of this society is to promote the personal satisfaction of members, through means offered by confraternity of the Holy Rosary, secondary purpose is to care for the altar and sanctuary and to participate in parish activities. Our Altar & Rosary Society meets from September thru May (excluding January) on the First Sunday of the month, after the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Some of their fundraisers include their Annual Card Party held in the spring, Rummage Sale held in the summer, Bake Sales, and a Chicken Dinner.
Kathy Henderson
Altar servers assist at Masses, funerals and weddings. Male and female, 5th grade through adulthood may serve in this ministry. Call the parish office to learn how you can be trained as an altar server.
The purpose of the cleaning ministry is to maintain a clean and hospitable environment ensuring that visitors have a pleasant experience. Colossians 3:17 says, And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Whole families can participate.
Parish office 574-654-3781
A group that counts the funds collected at Mass each week. Each group is assigned 2 months during the year to count on Sunday mornings. If you would like to help, please call the parish office.
This devoted team of parishioners assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. Some also bring the Eucharist to our sick and homebound.
This ministry is responsible for the First and Second readings at all weekend Masses. As a lector, one needs to be confident in speaking before a large group and willing to prepare for readings.
Please contact Judy Cravalho or the parish office.
The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church, with well over 3 million active members in almost every country of the world. It has been active in the United States since 1931 with the purpose of giving glory to God through the sanctification of its members. The Legion of Mary participates in a balanced program of prayer and active community service together.
Meetings take place on Monday's at 9:30 a.m., in the parish office.
For more information call parish office
We stand firmly on God’s promises that when we call Him, He will answer (Isaiah 65:24). In spiritual unity our prayer team is available to intercede on your behalf and take your request before God. If you have a prayer request, contact the parish office 574-654-3781, or submit your request in the "Prayer Request Box" located in the vestibule of the church. Anyone interested in joining our prayer line call the parish office.
The Religious Education program introduces the basics of Catholic Faith to public school students in grades 1-12. Our Religious Education Program includes preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion, and Confirmation.
Contact the Parish office at 574-654-3781
Religious Education Team Members provide assistance to the Director of Religious Education with hospitality and preparation for First Communion. Team members help with practice sessions, annual retreat, event programs and materials, and coordinate and serve meals after practice.
Contact the Parish Office at 574-654-3781
If you or a family member are in the hospital or sick at home and would like a visit from the parish or the priest please call the parish office at 574-654-3781
The Ushers collect the offerings during Mass and other functions subject to the approval of the pastor. The club also sponsors the annual Valentine Dance, the Men's BB-Q, St. Nicholas Breakfast, and a Mother Daughter Breakfast. Meetings are held the first Sunday of October, December, January, February, and March after the 8:00 a.m. Mass.